Blog 9: How to be more Kind and Compassionate to Ourselves..

"Whenever I notice something about myself I don't like, or whenever something goes wrong in my life, I silently repeat the following phrases: "This is a moment of suffering. Suffering is part of life. May I be kind to myself in this moment. May I give myself the compassion I need." - Kristen Neff HHHIIIII everyone!!! It has been since the New Year that I have written!! How has it been treating you so far? I hope you had some great moments that make you feel good! This blog is about Self Compassion! As the weather warms up, we come out of our fog, we feel the mental clouds lifting, and maybe we take off that cozy sweatshirt, and are dressing more for Spring! As this next season comes, our thoughts might be changing. Some may have experienced some dark, negative thoughts during the winter season, and hopefully moving into Spring, will feel more of a sense of hope and release of that negativity. Hence, why SELF COMPASSION is sooo important to utilize right now - to ke...