
Showing posts from January, 2024

2024: A New Year = A New Me, but does it really????!!!

Wow! We are 11 days into January!!! Time is flying! How are we all doing in the New Year so far? This months blog is about moving forward in this new year and creating growth opportunities. Many people, this time of year, feel obligated to set new goals. It is what we have been told to do through advertisements, media posts, magazines, as well as, our social communities ask, what are your goals this year? Over the years, I have set goals, and each year, something felt off and often times, did not follow through. If you don't this know this about me already,  I am the type that likes to check things off of my to do list the second I complete them, and if it wasn't on the list, I add it and cross it off! So goals were written on top of every week of my calendar, and my thoughts were saying, "must get this done." Well, I wasn't or maybe I was, but I was exhausted.  I started reflecting on why I have feel like I have failed. I came up with the following conclusions: