
Showing posts from November, 2023

Blog 7: AAAGGGHHH The Holidays are Approaching: How to Keep Your Cool!

 HI ALL!!!!       Been sooo long since I have blogged! My apologies about that! Here is November and December in one and I will see you in January for more!  Thanksgiving and Christmas are almost here! This time of year can be very overwhelming for some due to the stress of having people over to feeling lonely to feeling all sorts of emotions. Some often feel obligated to spend with family members that well, we may not get along with or not share the same views on life, which can make for an extra stressful time. I think everyone has a different idea of what the holidays can hold and how they define this time of year. Everyone I talk to has a different idea, tradition, or activity that they do. I do know through personal and professional experience that this time of year can be doable, it can be FUN, and it can feel comfortable! And just how do we do this, you ask....through mindfulness and preparation! Practicing mindfulness during the holidays can be one of the most beneficial ways